Six Cup Cake
This dessert is easy to remember because it requires only six portions of the ingredients to prepare it. It is also one of the desserts to prepare when you have visitors.
Besan 1 cup
Milk 1 cup
Butter/ghee 1 cup
Fresh coconut grate 1 cup
Sugar 2 cups
1. Heat a wok and pour the ghee first.
2. As it starts to warm up, add the rest of the ingredients and keep stirring continously.
3. Once the mixture starts to boil and leaves the sides of the pan, pour it into a greased tray.
4. Allow it to set and cut into diamond shapes.
Oh! and a great template...mind passing the template link???
Have a great year.
I just found the template online while searching for free blogger templates. You can google it.
AFJ, originally it is called the 7 cup cake. But because the orginal recipe made the dish taste cloyingly sweet, I reduced the qty and re-christened it as the 6 cup cake.
Hi Akshay, that is interesting, wondr why I never thot of it.
Thx all for dropping by.